Category Archives for "Blog"

Sep 05

How Should I Deal With My Employees?


Here is a question from Janet: How should I deal with my employees? My answer is: Treat them like your children, love them but do not spoil them. I see my employees as people lent to me by God temporarily, a few months maybe, and if I am blessed, a few years, or a few […]

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Sep 02

The ASEAN Business Awards Presents the Regional Finalists


THE ASEAN BUSINESS AWARDS PRESENTS THE REGIONAL FINALISTS MANILA: August 25, 2017—The ASEAN-Business Advisory Council and participating pool of official regional judges announces the regional finalists for the 2017 ASEAN Business Awards, the South East Asian region’s most prestigious and business awarding event for large and small enterprises alike. This year, the Official Judges Committee […]

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Aug 29

I Don’t Need to Borrow Money to Grow My Business?


A question from Leah: What do you mean by growing your people to grow your business? Hindi ba money is what we need to grow our business? I also thought that money is the solution to all my business problems. That kind of thinking? That was why we almost drowned in millions of pesos in […]

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Aug 22

Make More Money by Doing Less?


Make more money by doing less? Is it really possible? A question from Jeremy: What do you mean by making more money by doing less? I remember my mentee, Dina.  Like most businesswomen, she is a super woman. On a typical day, she wakes up at 5 am and sleeps at 12 midnight.  She does […]

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Jul 22

Get in the book launch vibe!


In a few hours, Grow Your Business, Pinoy! the printed version is seeing the light! Would you like to check out the launch event? Stay tuned to Grow Your Business, Pinoy! Facebook Page for the event highlights and behind-the-scenes! Have you bought yourself or a friend a printed copy, too? If not, go to this link […]

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